You can use this form to contact me, or email me at charli (at) Please fill in your name"; } else if (!isset($email) || $email == "") { echo "
Please fill in your email address"; } else if (!isset($message) || $message == "") { echo "
I'd appreciate a message!"; } else if (!isset($security) || $security == "") { echo "
Please type in the letters shown in the security image"; } //put into the contact logging table logContactAttempt(session_id(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']); if (canContact(session_id(), $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) == false) { //not allowed to contact, too many tries recently echo "Sorry but you are not allowed to view this page. The limit is 5 tries in 15 minutes, and only once every 5 seconds"; leave(); } //compare security image to what is in the db $sql = "SELECT `code` FROM ".$tables['security']." WHERE `sessionid`='".$db->clean(session_id())."'"; $query = $db->query($sql); if ($query[0]['code'] == strtoupper($security)) { //mail echo "

Thank you ".$name.", your message has been sent, I'll get back to you asap!

"; $imessage = "You have a message from UglyTeapot, sent by: \nName: ".$name." \nEmail:".$email." \nDate: ".date("D-M-y H:i:s", mktime())." \nIP Address: ".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].". \r\nMessage: ".$message; $headers = "From: ".$email."\r\n'Reply-To: ".$email."'\r\n"; mail ($from, "Message from ".$url, $imessage, $headers); //and remove from the db $sql = "DELETE FROM `".$tables['security']."` WHERE `sessionid`='".$db->clean(session_id())."' OR `dateadded` <= '".date("Y-m-d h:m:s", strtotime ("-1 day", time()))."';"; //or was 24 hours ago $query = $db->query($sql); include('footer.php'); exit(); } else { echo "

The security code you have entered does not match the image, please try again

"; } } ?>
" method="get"> Name: "; echo "
Email: "; echo "
Message: "; echo "

"; //show security image echo "\"No"; echo "

Please enter the text shown in the security image above
"; echo "

Security text: "; echo "

"; echo "

"; echo "
"; include_once('footer.php'); ?>